Entering the Software License
Follow step 1 or step 2, depending on whether you want to enter the software license for a client or server PC:
For the client PC, select Preferences on the File menu of the Chromeleon client. The Preferences dialog box appears. On the License tab page, select the software protection location and enter the Key Code.
For a server PC, click Server Configuration to open the Server Configuration program. Select Properties on the Edit or context menu. Enter the license information in the Server Configuration dialog box. (Be sure that you have started the corresponding Chromatography Server before you enter your input! Generally, the server is started automatically when you start the computer on which the server is installed. If this is not the case, start the server via the Server Monitor Program.)
Entering the Software License
Specify whether your system is licensed via a PAL, Dongle, or License Server. If applicable, enter the location of the PAL plug-in card:
Select Hardprotect if a separate PAL plug-in card protects your system.
If the PAL is located on the Dionex A/D converter card, the UVD340S/170S interface card, or the pump control card, select the corresponding option.
Select Dongle if your system is protected by a dongle on the USB or parallel PC interface.
(Note: Dongles are not supported by Windows 64-bit operating systems.)
Select License Server if a license server generated your license. (This disables the Key Code input field.) Click the "..." Browse button next to the License Server to open a dialog box with a list of computers. Select the computer on which the Chromeleon license server is running.
If you do not have a license yet, select None (Evaluation Mode) to enable Evaluation Mode. The evaluation mode allows you to test Chromeleon in your working environment for one hour.
Entering the Key Code
Finally, enter the key code on the License tab page of the Properties or License dialog box. Enter the 12- or 24-digit key code in the corresponding input field.
For more information, refer to Installing the License Server and
Useful Tips for Installing Dongles.