Chromeleon and Windows Operating Systems

Note the information below, which is important for operation of Chromeleon under Windows XP or later. For additional information on using Chromeleon with Windows Vista or later, also refer to  Chromeleon and Windows Vista (or later).


To run the Setup program and to install Chromeleon, you must have administrator privileges on the corresponding PC.

The Setup program creates the Chromeleon Operators user group. The user logged on during installation is automatically included in this group. All other users who are to be given the right to start or stop the Chromeleon server must also be members of this group. To add new users and/or assign the users to various groups, go to the Windows Control Panel. Under Windows XP (classic view), select User Accounts.


When generating a new datasource or when connecting to an existing datasource, select the Common Data Source check box in the corresponding dialog box of the Datasource Manager to allow system-wide access sharing. Instead of being available to a specific user only, the datasource is recognized in the entire system as a common datasource. Creating common datasources also requires administrator privileges on the local PC.

Make sure that all datasources that the Chromeleon server needs to access for sequence processing are set up as common datasources. Otherwise, the Chromeleon server cannot access them.


Server Access to the Network

Users logging on to a PC have a personal Windows user account defining the currently granted rights.

The server is installed as a system-inherent service. (Note: For mass spectrometer control, the server is installed as application.) No further action is required when the server is only running on the local datasource. In this case, the server runs under the local system account.

When the server is to perform operations on the network, keep this in mind: The server must run under a user domain account to enable network access. To assign a domain account, you must have administrator privileges.

Also, refer to Configure Server: Server.


Network Datasource Access

User accounts for services that must write to a network datasource must be able to access the superior folder (at least, they need Modify privileges on the directory or file share level. Besides, the respective user account must have the right to log on as a service. This refers to the user accounts for the following services:

Network Failure Protection

Chromeleon supports Network Failure Protection.

Network failure protection ensures uninterrupted data acquisition on an external server PC in case of a network failure. For this purpose, the Chromeleon server stores all relevant data on its local hard disk. The Chromeleon Server continues processing these sequences even in case of network failure. In addition, failure of the network connection is logged in the Audit Trail. (Also, refer to Data Management  Audit Trails.)