Name (Peak Name)


Peak Table tab page
Report Variable (Peak Table/Peak Results)


With automatic table generation: <Name of the QNT Method>x, where x is the current peak number.

When appending a new cell: Peak-x


In this column of the peak table in the QNT Editor, enter the chemical name of the substance that created the peak at the time t. (The default is used with auto-generated peaks only.)

Also, refer to  Identifying Peaks.


Use this column to identify peaks. If a peak is detected in an unknown sample within the specified retention time window, the peak is assigned the peak name.

In the report and the Printer Layout, the Peak Name variable of the Peak Table category returns the name of the peak as entered in the peak table of the QNT Editor. For unidentified peaks, it returns the Group name as entered in the Quantification of Unidentified Peaks table. The Name variable of the Peak Results category returns the name of the peak if the peak was identified in the peak table or manually in the chromatogram. It returns "n.a." for unidentified peaks.


For information about how to add report variables to a report and set their parameters, refer to:

 Adding or Deleting Report Variables