Detection Code at Peak Start or Peak End (AIA Peak Type)



Report Variable (Peak Results)

Value Range:


Related Parameters:

Peak Type


The Detection Code at Peak Start/Peak End result variables indicate how the peak start and the peak end is classified. In principle, this corresponds to the peak type classification of Chromeleon. The classification described below complies with the AIA convention.


The following AIA peak types are evaluated:

B (baseline peak)

The peak starts and ends on the baseline. Chromeleon Peak Types: BM, bM, BMB, bMB, bMb (for Peak Start);
MB, Mb, BMB, BMb, bMb (for Peak End).

VD (vertical drop)


The peak starts and ends with a perpendicular line dropped to the baseline. Chromeleon Peak Type: MB, Mb (for Peak Start); BM, bM (for Peak End).

PT (pretangent skim)

The peak is interpreted as a rider. Chromeleon Peak Type: Ru (for peaks on the leading edge) or Rd (for peaks on the trailing edge).


Also refer to:

 Type (Peak Type) for details about the "Peak Type" variable.

 Adding or Deleting Report Variables for information about how to add report variables to a report and set their parameters.