Minimum Height



Detection tab page
Report Variable (Detection Parameters)


Fixed point number


Signal unit

Value Range:

0.000 ... 1,000,000.000


The default setting is zero; that is, all peaks with the height > 0 [Sig.dimension] are integrated.

Related Parameters:

Maximum Height Reject

Minimum Area

Minimum Width

Maximum Peak Height


The Minimum Height detection parameter is used as a minimum criterion determining the height threshold below which peaks are ignored. Enable this parameter at a retention time before the start of the peak. The parameter influences peak recognition and, therefore, also the baseline.


The peak height of main peaks is measured relative to the baseline (a). For rider peaks, the height measurement is relative to the curve of the main peak (b). The baseline of unresolved peaks strongly influences the height (c,d).


You can hide peaks with a small area in the report without changing peak detection. To do so, in the report, select Properties on the Table menu, and then select the Reject peaks with smaller relative area than ...% check box.


For information about how to use individual detection parameters, refer to Integrating Chromatograms and Identifying Peaks  Defining Detection Parameters.