

Instrument Type:


Related Commands:


%A-, %B-, %C-, %D_WarningLimit


This command allows you to enter a warning limit for monitoring the liquid level in the waste container. Input is in percent and refers to the upper limit (WasteLevel.UpperLimit).


If the liquid level in the waste container exceeds the upper limit x the warning limit/100 (WasteLevel.UpperLimit x WasteWarningLimit/100), the following warning appears:

[Warning] xx:xx:xx {Pump} The waste level (actual level in [l]) will reach the upper limit (upper limit in [l]) in about 0.1 hours! Please empty the waste container.


When the liquid level reaches the upper limit, the batch is aborted. In the emergency program, reduce the flow rate to 0 ml/min. This ensures that the waste container does not overflow.



This command is available for all pumps except for ion chromatography pumps.