Commands and Tips for Third-Party Devices
Waters Acquity UPLC System, 2489 UV/Visible Detector and 2998 PDA Detector: Emergency Program

Creating an emergency program

You may want to create an emergency program that turns off the motor of the solvent manager and the detector lamp in case of an error or power failure. As Chromeleon uses the Waters Method Editor to create a program, a special procedure is required to achieve this. Note that in general, programs must be created using the Program Wizard. It is not possible to manually create a program using the PGM Editor.


The Chromeleon Server must be running idle while you create the emergency program.

  1. On the File menu, click New, and then click Program File.

  2. Select the timebase in which the Acquity system is installed.

  3. On the Acquisition Options page, select the time when acquisition stops. Do not clear or select any of the channels/devices (settings will be ignored).

  4. Preview the program and open the Commands View. Delete all existing commands and properties except the END statement. You can now manually add commands for turning off the lamp(s) and motor. (Press F8 to open the Commands dialog box.) The resulting program may look as follows:

    0.000     SwitchPumpMotors     =   Off

              SwitchDetectorLamps  =   Off


    Note that the SwitchDetectorLamps command turns the lamps of all installed detectors on or off.

  5. Save the program.

  6. Select the program as an emergency program or power failure program in the Batch dialog box. The program cannot be used in any other context.


For general tips for controlling the Acquity system, refer to Waters Acquity UPLC System, 2489 UV/Visible Detector and 2998 PDA Detector: General Tips.

For installation details, refer to Hardware Installation

 Waters Acquity UPLC and UPLC H-Class System: Installation