Commands and Tips for Thermo Scientific
ThermoQuest HS850/HS2000 Headspace Samplers: Creating a Program
Follow the steps below to create a program for the headspace sampler:
Use the PGM Wizard to create a program for the timebase.
Add all relevant settings for the headspace sampler in the PGM Editor. The settings must appear before the first time step, i.e., before t = 0.000 min.
Add a Wait Sampler.Ready AND GC.Ready statement directly before the Inject command.
The GCCycleTime should exceed the total of the GC's program run time and equilibration time.
Example program for Single mode
The following program is a typical example of a sequence for a headspace sampler (here, the FOCUS GC) in Single mode:
; ================================================================
; Sampler settings
; ================================================================
; Inject mode
InjectMode = Single
; Time program
IncubationTime = 5 [min]
GCCycleTime = 12 [min]
; Enrichment settings: split volume in two loads
; without delay between the loads
LoadsPerInject = 2
LoadRepetitionTime = 0 [min]
; Shaker
Shaker = On
ShakerOnTime = 10 [s]
ShakerOffTime = 30 [s]
; Temperatures
NeedleTemperature = 65 [°C]
OvenTemperature = 60 [°C]
StandbyNeedleTemperature = 45 [°C]
StandbyOvenTemperature = 40 [°C]
; Sample flushing
FlushMode = Always
FlushPressure = 2 [kPa]
; Inject options
PreFill= Off
FillStrokes = 2
DrawSpeed = 50.00 [ml/min]
FillVolume = 1.50 [ml]
PullupDelay = 2 [s]
PreInjectDelay = 5 [s]
PostInjectDelay = 5 [s]
InjectSpeed = 20.00 [ml/min]
; ============================================================
; GC settings (Thermo FOCUS GC)
; ============================================================
Inlet.TempCtrl = On
Inlet.Temperature.Nominal = 100 [°C]
GC_1.Temp = 110 [°C]
GC_1.Step = 0.10 [s]
GC_1.Average = Off
GC_1.Range = 0
GC_1.Data_Collection_Rate = 10 [Hz]
GasSaverFlow = 1 0.0
. . .
; ================================================================
; Injection
; ================================================================
0.000 GC_1.Autozero
GC.Temperature = 100 [°C]
Wait Sampler.Ready and GC.Ready
10.000 GC.Temperature = 100 [°C]
Example program for Progressive mode
The program for a headspace sampler in Progressive mode is similar to the above program except for the injection mode and time program settings. The following program lines show the relevant settings for a PGM file in which the first sample of the sequence incubated for 4 minutes, the second sample for 6 minutes, the third for 8 minutes, etc.:
; Inject mode
InjectMode = Progressive
; Time program
IncubTimeStart = 4 [min]
IncubTimeOffset = 2 [min]
GCCycleTime = 12 [min]
For more information aboput the headspace samplers,
refer to Hardware Installation
ThermoQuest HS850
and HS2000 Headspace Samplers in the Administrator
Help section.