Commands and Tips for Third-Party Devices
Merck Hitachi AS4000: Program Example

To avoid overloading the Merck Autosamplers with a fast succession of commands, allow at least 0.1 min between the individual commands. A program example for the AS4000 could look as follows:


;******* Pump Commands: **************** 

 Pressure.LowerLimit =  2

 Pressure.UpperLimit =  200

 %A.Equate =  "Water"

 %A.Type =  Automatic


;******* Detector Commands: **************** 

 UV_VIS_1.Wavelength =  254

 UV_VIS_1.Bandwidth =  1

 UV_VIS_1.Step =  0.20

 UV_VIS_1.Average =  On

 UV_VIS_1.RefWavelength =  600

 UV_VIS_1.RefBandwidth =  1


 Flow = 0.300


;******* Autosampler Commands: **************** 

;(Allow for at least 0.1 min between the individual commands to avoid stressing the autosampler with a rapid succession of commands)

-2.100  Home 



-1.600  LeadVolume = 30.0

-1.550  RearVolume = 30.0


-1.500  Height Z = 0.0, NeedleSpeed = Fast

Aspirate DilutorNumber = 1, SyringePos = 5.0, PlungerSpeed = VeryFast 

;Aspirate 5 µl air


 GotoTube RackCode = 1, TubeNumber = Position 

;Go to the sample vial

Aspirate DilutorNumber = 1, SyringePos = LeadVolume + Volume + RearVolume, PlungerSpeed = VeryFast

;Aspirate sample from sample vial


 Height Z = 0.0, NeedleSpeed = Fast

 Aspirate DilutorNumber = 1, SyringePos = 5.0, PlungerSpeed = VeryFast 

;Aspirate 5 µl air


-1.000  GotoWashPort 

;Wash outside of needle


-0.500  GotoInjectPort

Dispense DilutorNumber = 1, SyringePos = 5.0 + LeadVolume + 14.9, PlungerSpeed = VeryFast

;Dispense air + leadVolume + dead volume

 GotoValvePos ValvePos = Load

 Dispense DilutorNumber = 1, SyringePos = Volume, PlungerSpeed = VeryFast 

;Dispense injection volume


 Syringe = -1 


0.000   UV.Autozero



;do not execute another program, Inject switches the valve only




8.000   UV_VIS_1.AcqOff




The Administrator Help section provides more information about the different autosampler types; refer to Hardware Installation:

 Merck Hitachi AS2000 and AS4000 Autosamplers: Overview

 Merck Hitachi L7250 Autosampler: Overview

 Merck Hitachi L7200 Autosampler: Overview