Commands and Tips for Third-Party Devices
CTC Analytics PAL Samplers: PGM File for LC_Inject Mode
Use the LC_Inject mode for HPLC standard injections. A typical program might look as follows:
; Pump/detector commands
; PAL commands
TrayName = Sample.PALTray
; (Prerequisite: User-defined column named PALTray)
InjectMode = LC_Inject
Injector = LC_Inj1
InjectSpeed = 50.00
FillSpeed = 100.00
FillStrokes = 2
; Preparation steps of the PAL Sampler
Wash WashStation=Wash1, WashCycles=1
WashWithSample WashCycles=2
; Injection procedure
0.000 Wait Ready
; Cleansing steps of the PAL Sampler
Wash WashStation=Wash1, WashCycles=1
WashInjector WashStation=Wash2, Injector=GC_Inj1,
10.00 UV.AcqOff
You can use the TrayName command only if the corresponding User-Defined Column (here: PALTray) has been defined.
For more information, refer to:
CTC Analytics PAL Sampler Commands
PGM File for Custom Inject Mode
For information about how to solve possible problems, refer to CTC Analytics PAL Samplers: Troubleshooting.