Commands and Tips for Third-Party Devices
CTC Analytics PAL Samplers: Troubleshooting

The following problems may occur during operation of the PAL sampler:

Missing vial:

If no vial is present at the position from which the sampler performs injections, the batch is aborted. Due to a firmware limitation, the sampler may then remain in an inconsistent state.

Therefore, Dionex recommends performing a Home command. If the tray in which the error occurred is part of a tray stack, close the stack drawer manually.

Z collision error:

If the syringe holder collides with another component of the sampler while moving in the z direction (e.g., because of an incorrect configuration), the sampler reports a z collision error.

First, find and eliminate the cause of the z collision error. Then, perform a Home command to recalibrate the motor in the x, y, and z directions. The driver cannot perform movement commands until the motor has been recalibrated.


The sampler is not equipped with collision sensors for the x and y directions. Therefore, stop the batch immediately if you observe a collision in the x or y direction. Afterward, perform the same steps described for a z collision error.

Aborting a sequence or abort error in headspace mode:

Unless a z collision error caused the abort error, the driver attempts to remove all samples that are still in the agitator. However, samples may remain in the (heated) agitator. For security reasons, Dionex recommends generating an emergency program for cooling the agitator (or other temperature-controlled components) down to ambient temperature.


Always run the emergency program before manually removing the samples from the agitator.