Commands and Tips for Third-Party Devices
CTC Analytics PAL Samplers: PGM File for HS_Progr Inject Mode

GC injections are similar to LC injections. If you want to perform headspace injections, you have to define the appropriate sample preparation steps via the HS_Progr injection mode. A typical program for headspace injections might look as follows:

Agitator_Temperature.Nominal = 100.0 Agitator_Temperature.Accuracy = 1.0 TrayName = "Tray1" Injector = GC_Inj1 InjectMode = HS_Progr FillStrokes = 3 ; Delay times in [ms]: PreInjectDelay = 3000 PostInjectDelay = 5000 ; Incubation time for the first sample of a sequence in [min] IncubTimeStart = 2.0 ; Additional incubation time of the last sample IncubTimeOffset = 1.0 ; Minimum run time between two injections(buffer: 10min + 1.5min) GCCycleTime = 11.5 ; Agitation times in [s] AgitationOnTime = 20 AgitationOffTime = 10 ; Defines the agitation speed and automatically starts the agitator AgitationSpeed = 250 0.000 Wait Sampler.Ready Inject GC_1.AcqOn 10.000 GC_1.AcqOff ; Stops the agitator. If there is a another sample, the agitator is automatically re-started ; by the 'AgitationSpeed = 250' command (see above) in the next sample program. AgitationSpeed = Off End

Also, refer to  Tips for Headspace Operation.