Dialog Box:
Application Wizard: Application Tool
In this step of the Application Wizard (see Samples and Sequences The Application Wizard), specify the suppressor type required for your application and the application tool that will be used in generating program and method files. Select from the following options:
Suppressor Type |
Select the suppressor installed in the system. Note that this selection has no effect on the actual suppressor configuration; the purpose is simply to display a list of application templates for a particular suppressor.
For hydroxide applications, the Suppressor Type must be ACES 300, ASRS, MMS, or SRS. Hydroxide applications are not supported by the AAES suppressor. |
Application Templates |
To use an application template, click this option and then select an application from the list. Each application template consists of a program and a quantification method (written by Dionex) with the recommended settings for a particular ion chromatography system and column. The devices configured in the system (pump, detector, eluent generator (if any), and suppressor (if any) determine the applications shown in the list. To see a complete list of available application templates for all devices, see IC Devices Supported by Application Templates. |
Virtual Column Separation Simulator |
Click this option button to use the Virtual Column tool to create a program and method with optimized parameters. This option is enabled only when a Virtual Column license is active on the Chromeleon station you are using. |
Application Template Notes:
After you complete the Application Wizard, Chromeleon creates the appropriate program and quantification method (based on the selected template) and copies them to the sequence specified on the Program and Method page of the wizard. If a control panel appropriate for the timebase exists, it is also copied to the sequence.
The timebase configuration determines the control panel selected, not the application template. For instance, the same control panel will be copied to the sequence for a timebase with a GS50 and a CD25, regardless of whether you select the AS11 or AS12A Quality Assurance Report template.
Because copies of the template program and quantification method files are saved in the sequence, you can change the copied files without affecting the originals. It is not advisable to edit the program because it contains the default parameters recommended and tested by Dionex. However, the quantification method is intended only as a starting point for quantification. Because the type of analytes and their retention times vary from system to system, Dionex recommends that you fine-tune the method after running the first injection.
If no autosampler is found in the server configuration, Chromeleon assumes that an AS40 Autosampler is connected to the Pump's Relay 1. If, however, manual injection is being used and an application template is creating the program, you must modify the program to support this. For instructions, see Creating and Modifying Programs Manual Injections with Application Templates.