Worklist Format

The file extension for Worklists is .wle (Work List Export). The worklist structure and syntax are similar to those of the Windows INI files. A worklist consists of various sections. Each section starts with a new line. The name of the section is written in brackets. One or more entries appear below the section name, with the syntax name = value. Comments start with a semicolon and finish at the end of the line.


If information, such as the injection volume, is missing in the worklist, you can enter it in Chromeleon as usual after the worklist has been imported. However, please note that the QNT and PGM Files must already be specified in the worklist.

Example of a valid worklist plus comments (to use the worklist in Chromeleon, first delete the comments):


; Worklist generated by MegaLIMS 3.11.5622.00a

; Wed 05/27/98, 16:25:02



Application = Chromeleon

Delete Worklist = No

Rename On Error = No


[file names]

; datasource, path, and name for the generated sequence

Sequence = \labor2_local\sys58\sequences\lims4711

; default for the program column

pgm = pgmWash

pgm = Stop

; default for the QNT Method column.

qnt = qnt0815

qnt = noint

; copy PGM Files from here (datasource and path)

pgm templates = \server1\templates\hplc


; copy Quantification Methods (QNT Methods) as stated here (datasource, path, and name)


[qnt files]

qnt0815 = \server1\templates\hplc\pah\qnt0815

noint = \server1\templates\common\noint



; default for injection volume

Injection Volume = 10.0




Type=Blank Run


; use the "Wash" program instead of the default ("pgm0815")



; default for the user-defined column Water Contents - the marking asterisk * is omitted with User-defined Columns

Water contents = 72.3

























Type=Blank Run






With this worklist (without the comments), a sequence named lims4711 is created in the datasource labor2_local in the sys58\sequences directory. The sequence contains a rinse sample, a standard, four unknown samples, and a stop program.

All control programs are copied from the subdirectory \templates\hplc of the datasource Server1 (central file server). The source must contain the pgm0815, wash, and stop programs.

The evaluation method for the rinse and stop samples is copied from \templates\common\noint.qnt, the method for the analysis samples is copied from \templates\hplc\pah\qnt0815.qnt (both in the datasource server1).


Path Information

The entire path information of the worklist is related to the Chromeleon data structure. Therefore, the path name starts with the Datasource, not the hard disk name. Relative paths are not accepted. Path names can be expressed either in the internal Chromeleon syntax (Moniker), for example, SEQ::\labor2_local\sys58\sequences\lims4711, or in a simplified syntax (as above), which omits the type abbreviation and the double colon. In this case, a slash or a colon can be used instead of the backslash.


Sequence = SEQ::\labor2_local\sys58\sequences\lims4711

Sequence = \labor2_local\sys58\sequences\lims4711

Sequence = Labor2_local:sys58/sequences/lims4711


All of the above paths refer to the sequence lims4711 in the directory sys58/sequences of the datasource Labor2_local.

Do not include type extensions (.PGM, .QNT, .SEQ) in the path information.


Handling of PGM Files and QNT Files

The program and the method columns of the sequence only include the file name without the path information, as the files are always located in the sequence. The same applies to the corresponding options (PGM= and QNT=) in the WLE file (see below).

The LIMS import module creates these files by copying them to the sequence. There are two possibilities to specify where to find these templates to copy:

PGM Templates = path to template directory  or. QNT Templates= for QNT Files

Chromeleon searches the corresponding template directory for a file with the specified name and copies this file to the sequence.

Technically, it may be possible that the file name of the template differs from the name of the copied file. However, this will not be accepted.

Both methods can be mixed. In case of doubt, the second method has priority. If there is an entry in the section [PGM Files], the PGM template file is not searched.

If all samples use the same PGM and QNT Files, it does not matter which method is used.

Section [OPTIONS]

The options listed in this section will influence the import function. Usually, no entries are required here. When testing a worklist, it may be useful to disable the Delete Worklist and Rename On Error commands. Thus, the worklist is retained instead of being deleted after importing.

Application = Chromeleon indicates that this worklist is intended for Chromeleon. If there is a different entry here, the worklist will not be accepted by Chromeleon. In this case, no log file is created, and the worklist is not deleted or renamed.

Computer Name = <Name of PC> indicates where to copy the worklist. If this entry does not correspond to the local computer, the worklist is not accepted. In this case, no log file is created, and the worklist is not deleted or renamed.

Log Error = Yes creates a log file containing the error message in the event of an error.

Log Success = Yes creates a log file documenting the successful import.

Delete Worklist = Yes deletes the worklist when importing was successful.

Rename On Error = Yes renames the worklist *.err in the event of an error.

Character Set = Windows indicates the character set of the worklist. Any generated log file is written with this character set, also. Change this option if some special characters, such as umlauts, are not transferred correctly. Valid values: Windows or ANSI (system character set, that is, no conversion) DOS or OEM (PC character set, conversion by Windows function OEMToAnsi).

Section [FILE NAMES]

This section determines various file names. Sequence = indicates the path and the name of the sequence to generate. This parameter must always be specified. PGM = or QNT = determines the default value for the PGM column or the QNT column. (The default value can be overwritten for each sample.)

PGM Templates = and QNT Templates = determine the corresponding template directory (see above).

Sections [PGM Files], [QNT Files]

The sections define from where to copy the PGM and the QNT Files. Entries in this section take priority over a template directory. Entries have the following syntax:

name = path

On the left side of the equals sign, the file name is located, and on its right side the complete path of the template.

Section [DEFAULTS]

This section defines default values for various sample variables. Name=, Comment=, Type=Unknown, Status=Single, Sample Weight=1.0, Dilution Factor=1.0, ISTD Amount=, Std. Add. Group=, Ref. Amount Set=, and Injection Volume=20.0 have the same meaning as in the Browser. The corresponding value range is also identical.

Note: The default values for the PGM and the QNT Files are defined in the section [FILE NAMES].

Section [SEQUENCE]

This section defines the properties of the sequence.

Title = Created from worklist <Name of Worklist> determines the name (description) of the sequence.

Timebase = determines the timebase on which the sequence is executed.

Report = determines the default value for the report template (appears in the print dialog)

Channel = determines the default value for the channel when printing (appears in the print dialog)

Section [n] (Sample Data Records)

Each sample is described by one section. The section must have the name [n], where n is the sample number (without leading zero). The samples must be numbered consecutively. With a new sequence, sample numbering must start with 1. Samples can be appended to existing sequences. In this case, sample numbering must start with the next free sample number in the sequence (as number of samples in the sequence plus one). A sample section can have the entries PGM=, QNT=, Name=, Comment=, Sample ID=, Replicate ID=, Pos=, Type=Unknown/Blank/Validation/Standard/Matrix/Spiked/Unspiked, Status=Single/Multiple/Finished/Interrupted, Sample Weight=1.0, Dilution Factor=1.0 and Injection Volume=20.0. Missing entries are completed by the defaults in the sections [DEFAULTS] and [FILE NAMES].


In the worklist, omit the asterisk (*) that marks User-defined Columns in the Browser.