Displaying and Using UV Spectra

After recording UV spectra with a Photodiode Array Detector, Chromeleon supports all possibilities for using spectra with a modern chromatography data system.

Displaying Spectra

UV spectra are displayed in the Spectra Plot window. Select Show Spectra on the View menu or click

The spectra plot represents UV spectra and allows their identification by means of a spectra library.

For more information, refer to:

 Displaying Peak Spectra

 Displaying and Overlaying Single Spectra

 Processing UV Spectra

 Match Factor, Difference Spectra, 1st /2nd Derivatives of Spectra


In addition, you can

 Create and Use Spectra Libraries

 Search Reference Spectra


The PPA (Peak Purity Analysis) window allows you to

 Analyze the Peak Purity

 Select the Optimum Integration Path

and  Extract Spectra, Chromatograms, and 3D Fields