Creating and Using Spectra Libraries
Creating a New Library
To create a new spectra library
Select New > Spectra Library on the File menu to create a new and empty spectra library.
To include spectra
Then, include the spectra of interest:
From the PPA or Spectra Plot panes: Copy a spectrum to the Windows clipboard, using the Copy command or the Extract > LIB-Spectrum to clipboard commands on the context menu. Insert the spectrum in the open library, using the Paste Spectra command. (For information about PPA and/or the spectra plot, refer to Data Representation and Reprocessing PPA: Peak Purity Analysis or Integration
The Spectra Plot.)
Or else, generate a subset of an existing selection based on specific Hit Criteria.
To be able to compare UV spectra, the spectrum and the reference spectrum should be recorded under identical conditions. That is why the best search results are obtained based on spectra that were recorded and saved by the user. Dionex recommends to writing down the conditions under which the spectrum is recorded. These notes will be very useful when there are several spectra for the same sample.
To save the library
Select Save as to save an open library under a different name to a directory of your choice. Libraries have the file extension LIB.