Defining Detection Parameters
Defining Peak Start or Peak End

Depending on the chromatogram type, the peak start or the peak end can be detected too early or too late. There are several ways to prevent this:

If you think that the integration is started too early or that the peak end is delayed too much, select the Fronting Sensitivity Factor parameter for the peak start and the Tailing Sensitivity Factor for the peak end. The entered value multiplied with the left or right peak width determines the peak start or the peak end. Depending on the chromatogram type, different values may make sense. Test which value is best for your chromatograms. A value of 2 is often an appropriate starting point for finding the best Fronting/Tailing Sensitivity Factor.

You can also set a new Baseline Point to force the peak to start later or to end earlier.


However, when setting a baseline point keep in mind that this point will be valid for all chromatograms, which are evaluated with the respective QNT Method. If in one of these chromatograms a peak maximum occurs by coincidence at the time of your hard entered baseline point, the peak maximum will be defined as base point and the peak will not be detected.

Correct too late a peak start or too early a peak end (the latter can occur, for example, with increased baseline noise as follows:

  1. In recorded chromatograms: Select a higher Peak Slice (= about 20% of the smallest peak width) and, in addition, a higher Sensitivity, if necessary.

  2. For samples that have not been processed yet: Change the data acquisition Step in the program file. Select the step so that only about 20 data points are recorded for the smallest peak.