Ensuring System Wellness (IC Devices)
Opening a Wellness Control Panel

Control Panels for performing System Wellness functions are provided for various system configurations.


System Wellness control panels that include "Service." as part of the name are reserved for use by Dionex Service Representatives.

To open a Wellness panel from the Browser:

  1. In the Browser under the local Datasource, open the Panels folder, and then open the Wellness sub-folder.

  2. Double-click the panel name that corresponds to your Timebase configuration.

  3. The control panel is opened. If an error message appears stating that the timebase was not found, close the message

  4. Select Connect to Timebase on the Control menu. Select the timebase to be connected to the panel.

  5. After communication is established with the timebase, the various calibration and diagnostic controls on the panel are enabled.

To open a Wellness panel for a CD or ED from the panel tabset:

  1. In the panel tabset, click the Cond. Detector or EC Detector tab.

  2. On the instrument control panel, click Calibration.

  3. The Wellness panel opens.

To open a Wellness panel for an RFIC-ER system from the panel tabset:

  1. In the panel tabset, click the RFIC-ER Wellness tab.

  2. The Wellness panel opens.