Creating a Sample List (Sequence)
Displaying Sequence Columns

Chromeleon provides different options for displaying the single columns in the sample list. Use these options to create the sample list according to your requirements.

Displaying or Hiding Columns

Often, it is often not necessary to display all columns in the sample list. Therefore, you can hide any columns that are currently not required:

Under Visible Columns, all columns are listed that are visible in the sample list. All columns that are currently hidden are listed under Hidden Columns.

A '#' character in front of the column name, e.g., #Area_Pyrene indicates that the column is a report column. If the name of the report column, i.e., its identifier, is different from the column header, the column header appears in parenthesis and brackets after the column name, e.g., #nPeaks ("#Peaks"). An asterisk (*) in front of the column name, e.g., *Temperature, indicates that this column is a User-defined Column.

In the same way, you can later add them again to the sample list. Select them in the Hidden Columns list, and then click >>Add>> or >>Add to End>>.


It is also possible to hide columns interactively. Left-click the right column separator. While clicking, push the column together completely. To display the column again, move the mouse pointer to the right of the column separator until the pointer changes it appearance. Left-click and drag the column separator to the right.

Changing the Order

You can also change the order in which the columns appear in the sample list:


It is also possible to change the order interactively. Left-click and draw the column to the desired position.

Displaying Columns by Default

If the sample list includes many columns, not all of them can be displayed on the screen at the same time. Use the scroll bar to move to the left or right. However, you might want to see at least the most important columns by default. Under Frozen Columns, define the number of leftmost columns to be displayed even if the scroll bar is at the utmost right.

Also, refer to:

 Creating a Sample List (Sequence)

 Creating User-Defined Columns

 Creating a Sequence Report Column