Diagnostics (UltiMate 3000 Series)
Editing the Viscosity List (NCP-3200RS/NCS-3500RS) - Classic Flowmeter

The following information applies only to NC pumps equipped with a Classic flowmeter.

For the NCP-3200RS and NCS-3500RS, Chromeleon provides a viscosity list containing the viscosity values of the most common solvents. The viscosity list can be accessed, for example, in the Commands dialog box (F8) for the NC pump under %A_Viscosity and %B_Viscosity.

If the viscosity for the solvent that you are using is not yet available in the list, you can add additional solvents and viscosities to the list. This is especially useful, if you change solvents frequently and want to have viscosity values readily available when you need them.

To add a viscosity value to the list or edit an existing entry

  1. Open the Properties dialog for the module in the Server Configuration program.

  2. Click the Flowmeter tab page to add, edit or delete an entry:

  1. To add a new viscosity name and value:

    Click in the bottom line marked with an asterisk (*) and enter the name of the solvent and the viscosity.

    1. Observe the following:

      • The solvent name can contain any of the following characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, underscore ('_'), and percent (%).

      • The name must not start with a digit.

      • The name must be unique.

      • Avoid entries with different names but identical viscosity values. Combine these entries, instead. For example: if you have two solvents (Solvent1 and Solvent2) each with a viscosity of 120.0, you may create a single entry for these two solvents, e.g., "Sol1_Sol2".

      Chromeleon always uses the entry for a specific viscosity that appears first on the viscosity list. Therefore, if more than one entry exists for a specific viscosity, it may happen that, for example, the Chromeleon report does not show the name of the solvent that is actually used but the name of the solvent found first on the viscosity list for the specified viscosity value.


      The viscosity list includes among others the following entries: Solvent1__81_4% and Solvent3__81_4%. The report will show Solvent1 as solvent name even if you have selected Solvent3__81_4% on the viscosity list.

  1. To edit an existing entry:

    Click the entry that you want to edit and overwrite it directly in the input box. Observe the naming rules described under a) above.

  1. To delete an existing entry:

    Select the entry that you want to delete. To do so, click in the leftmost column in the related line and then press the Del key.

  1. Click OK to transfer the new entries and/or changes to the viscosity list in Chromeleon. Otherwise, click Cancel to cancel the action and discard the changes.
    The entries will appear, for example, in the Commands dialog box for the NC pump under %A_Viscosity and %B_Viscosity. The solvents will be listed with their names and respective viscosity values, e.g. "Solvent1_81_4%".


Observe the following:


For information on how to establish the viscosity for a solvent, refer to Viscosity Measurement (NCP-3200RS/NCS-3500RS).