Handling Files and Datasources
Datasources on Removable Media
Datasources can be installed not only on the hard disk of the local PC or a network PC, but also on removable media, such as a disk drive, USB stick, or CD-ROM.
Select Mount Datasource on the File menu. Chromeleon automatically displays the Windows drive letters of all removable media that are currently available.
Select a drive. Or else, select Browse to navigate to the datasource of interest.
If Chromeleon finds an existing datasource on the selected media, the system automatically connects to this datasource, displaying it in the Browser in the same way as any other datasource.
If Chromeleon does not find a datasource on the selected media, the user can install a new one on this drive. The datasource will receive the name of the drive.
You can easily copy datasources in Microsoft Access database format to a removable medium. Copy the DATA directory of the local datasource or the desired subdirectory of a network datasource to the corresponding removable medium.
If you connected to a datasource on a removable medium via the Mount Datasource command, do not remove the medium until you have closed the connection. To do so, select the Dismount Datasource on the context menu. If you do not close the connection correctly, data may be lost.
When storing access datasources on CD, DVD, or other read-only media, make sure that no Chromeleon server, Chromeleon client, or Online Transfer Agent (OTA) is connected to the datasource. In addition, remove any existing CM_local.ldb-File from the root directory of the datasource.