Theory of Calibration
Follow the description below to implement and perform calibration:
Sample List
Enter the available standard samples in the Sample List (Sequence), similar to unknown samples.
To facilitate and automate the input, use the Sequence Wizard.
Each sample in the sample list can be converted into a standard sample by assigning the Sample Type STD. Note that the position (line number) in the sample list determines the order of processing. If a standard sample is to be injected several times, a separate line is created in the sample list for each injection.
In the Method column, specify the quantification method to be used for evaluating the sample.
Input in the remaining fields of the sample list is analog to each unknown sample (Position, Injection Volume, etc.).
For a detailed description of the procedure, refer to Creating and Managing Files and Data Creating a Sample List.
Quantification Method (QNT Editor)
Go to the General tab page and check the current settings. Define the calibration Mode to be used.
On the Peak Table tab page, enter the names and the retention times of the peaks to be determined. Select the Autogenerate Peak Table command if a processed sample refers to a QNT File with an "empty" peak table. This command fills the peak table automatically with the retention times of the integrated peaks after the analysis. Each peak has a default name extended by a successive number.
Enter the amount values of the standard substances in the amount columns.
Determine the standard method, calibration type, and integration type to be used for the calibration.
For more information, refer to Integrating Chromatograms and Identifying Peaks Creating a Peak Table.