Data Export

Chromeleon supports various data export options for communication with other programs:

  1. You can export report pages from the Browser, by selecting Batch Report on the File menu. In the Export options section, select the Export check box. The Export Wizard is opened automatically (otherwise, click Export Settings to open the Export Wizard manually). Chromeleon supports the following formats for data export:

For more information, refer to  Exporting Data During or After a Batch.

  1. In the Printer Layout, you can open a dialog box that similar to the Export Wizard. First, enable the Layout Mode on the Edit menu. Then, select Batch Report Setup on the File menu to open the Batch Report Setup dialog box. Via the Printer Layout, you can export data from different samples in a single data file (refer to  Exporting Data from Different Samples to a Single File).

  2. You can also open the Export Wizard from a Control Panel. Select Reporting on the Batch menu and select the Print/Export Report check box.

  3. In addition, you can export raw data in the AIA format. To do so, select Export/Backup on the File menu in the Browser, and then select ANDI/Chromatography (AIA). (Also, refer to Data Management  Raw Data Export.)

  4. If you wish to send Chromeleon data to another laboratory, for example, via e-mail, Dionex recommends that you perform a  Backup first and then transmit the compressed data as *.cmb file, which is the Chromeleon archive format.

You can also start the Chromeleon export function from a separate program, using command lines (Start > Run or Windows Command Prompt). For more information, refer to  Using Chromeleon Data in an External Program in the Administrator Help section.