Installing Dionex Devices
HPLC Sample and Fraction Manager (SFM): Installation

Device Type:

Sample preparation and injection system with two independent arms

Device Driver:

Dionex: Sample and Fraction Manager

Hardware Options

  • Semi-preparative version

  • Analytical version

What is required?


Timebase Class 1

Extended Fraction Collection or Fraction


Dionex ships the SFM with two serial cables.


Two free 9-pin RS-232 ports are required.


These ports can be COM ports on the PC, on a multi-serial card, or on a Universal Chromatography Interface (UCI).

Control Panel:

Operation.pan (user control panel) and Service.pan (administrator control panel)


These panels are not part of the standard Chromeleon installation. They are installed in addition to the standard panels during the installation of an autopurification system.

Hardware Installation

Device Connection:

Use the serial cables shipped with the Sample and Fraction Manager to connect the instrument.


Always connect both arms; even if only one arm is used.

Device Settings:

Internal configuration: Follow the steps below to change the internal configuration, e.g., to replace one tray type with a different tray type:

  • Disconnect the instrument from Chromeleon to enable the device display.

  • Change the configuration on the instrument's display, following the instructions in the product manual.

  • Save the new configuration.

  • Restart the server (or double-click the Sample and Fraction Manager in the Server Configuration program and exit the dialog box by clicking OK).


You have to reinstall the device driver to load the new device configuration in Chromeleon. Contrary to all other modifications to the internal configuration, the information that the syringe has been changed is automatically downloaded to Chromeleon upon Connect. In this case, you do not have to double-click the Sample and Fraction Manager in the Server Configuration program.


You cannot use the Sample and Fraction Manager simultaneously as an injection unit for several timebases.


Software Installation

For details about how to add timebases and device drivers to the Server Configuration, refer to Adding, Configuring or Deleting Devices. When you add a driver to the timebase, the configuration dialog or wizard opens automatically. For information about the settings, click the Help button on a page or press F1.


For more information, refer to Commands for Controlling Dionex Devices  Sample and Fraction Manager: Troubleshooting in the User Help section.

Further Information


For more installation details, refer to the manual for the instruments.

For an overview of the different Dionex devices that are distributed at present, refer to  Installing Dionex Devices.