Installing Dionex Devices
ICS-Series Photodiode Array Detector: Overview


Device Type:

IC detector

Device Driver:

Dionex IC: PDA Photodiode Array Detector

Hardware Options

PDA Photodiode Array Detectors


What is required?


Timebase Class 1
To allow acquisition of 3-D data:
Timebase Class 1 + 3-D Data Acquisition


The following is required:

  • USB cable, approx. 1 m (Dionex part no. 063246)

To install several PDA detectors (number = n):

  • (n+1) USB cables with a USB hub (Dionex part no. 060392)

Control Panel:

Select a suitable panel from the Dionex Templates\Panels\Dionex_IC folder in the Browser or use panel tabsets (refer to How to:  Controlling Devices from the Panel Tabset in the User Help section).


Specification (subject to technical alterations)


Operating Principle:

Photodiode Array Detectors

Wavelength Range ([nm])

190 - 800

Wavelength Accuracy ([nm])

± 1

Light Sources

Deuterium lamp (30 W) for UV spectra

Tungsten lamp (15 W) for visible spectra

Pixel Resolution ([nm])


Noise with Standard or Semi-Preparative Cell Installed

<± 10 mAU; 2 sec rise time, 254 nm, 4 nm bandwidth, and flowing water at 1.0 ml/min

<± 15 mAU; 2 sec rise time, 520 nm, 10 nm bandwidth, and flowing water at 1.0 ml/min

Noise with Semi-Micro Cell Installed

<± 15 mAU; 2 sec rise time, 254 nm, 4 nm bandwidth, and flowing water at 1.0 ml/min

<± 15 mAU; 2 sec rise time, 520 nm, 10 nm bandwidth, and flowing water at 1.0 ml/min

Drift (mAU/h)

<1000 (after warm-up)

Linearity (AU)


Further Information

For information about how to install the detector, see  ICS-Series Photodiode Array Detector: Installation.

For an overview of the different Dionex devices that are distributed at present, see  Installing Dionex Devices.