Dialog Box:  
Options (Perkin Elmer TurboMatrix Headspace Sampler)

Specify which components are to be operated. If a component is not selected here, it cannot be controlled by Chromeleon.


Device type

Select the device type:

  • TurboMatrix16

  • TurboMatrix40

  • TurboMatrix110




Select the Programmable Pneumatic (PPC) check box if this option is installed. Also, determine the pressure unit:

  • kPa

  • psig


Dionex recommends selecting the pressure unit in such a way that the setting in Chromeleon matches the setting on the touch screen.




Select this check box if a shaker is installed.




For installation details, refer to Hardware Installation: Installing and Controlling Third-Party Devices  Perkin Elmer TurboMatrix Headspace Sampler: Installation.