Chromeleon Xpress: Running Samples
Loading a Sequence  

  1. On the Sequence Control panel, click the Load Sequence button.

    The Load Sequence or Program dialog box opens and lists all of the previously saved Sequences for the current system.

  2. Select the desired sequence and click Load (or Open).

  3. After loading the sequence, you can edit Sample Variables in the Sequence list, if desired.


    To exclude a sample from a run, select Finished as the Status variable. Chromeleon Xpress will skip this sample in the sequence.



The No. (number of the injection) and the Inj. Date/Time (injection date and time) parameters cannot be edited. The injection number is determined when the sequence is created and the injection date/time is automatically entered when the sample is injected. For details, see Sample Variables.


Also, refer to  Chromeleon Xpress Workflow Overview.