Signature Privileges
Use the Signature tab page to assign the privileges for Electronic Signature. When the corresponding privilege is enabled, the user is allowed to:
SubmitResults |
submit the signature of sequences |
ReviewResults |
sign (review) signed sequences with the Submitted status |
ApproveResults |
sign (approve) signed sequences with the Reviewed status |
UndoSubmitResults |
undo the signature of sequences with the Submitted status |
UndoReviewResults |
undo the signature of sequences with the Reviewed status |
UndoApproveResults |
undo the signature of sequences with the Approved status |
ModifySignRequirements |
modify the preconditions for a signature |
The following two privileges are used by Chromeleon 6.20 or previous versions only. As these clients can also logon to the CmUser database, the two privileges can still be changed with the current User Manager: |
SignResults |
sign sequences |
UndoSignResults |
undo the signature |
The following two privileges are used if you want to submit a sequence using an RDF file that is outside the sequence ("external" RDF file), or if you want to submit a sequence using an external RDF file, but the sequence already contains an RDF file with the same name. |
CopyRDF |
copy report definition files (RDFs) |
DeleteRDF |
delete or overwrite report definition files (RDFs) |
Signed Results
DeleteSOR |
delete signed sequences (SOR files) from the directory |
RenameSOR |
rename SOR files |
CopySOR |
copy SOR files |
MoveSOR |
move SOR files |
Also, refer to Privileges
For information about other user privileges, refer to: