"Fraction Tube" Category

The Fraction Tube category provides different variables indicating how the single tubes have been filled during fraction collection. You can also open the Fraction Tube category via the Select Tube variable of the Fraction category. In this case, the formulas start with frac.tube.x instead of tube.x. The variables always refer to the tube indicated in parenthesis. This can be either First, Last, or the actual number of the tube. In all other cases, the variables return the value of the present tube.


In the Printer Layout, the Fraction Tube category is available only for report tables.

The Fraction Tube category includes the following variables:





Tube Position


Tube position (number)

Retention Time Start


Retention time when the system starts to fill the tube.

Retention Time End


Retention time when the system stops to fill the tube.

Collected Volume


Volume collected in the tube.

Maximum Collectable Volume


Maximum tube capacity

Number of Peaks


Number of 'peaks' collected in the tube

Select Peak


Selects the peak from the tube based on the selected parameter - opens the Peak Results category


For an overview of the different report variable categories, including links to the lists for the respective categories, refer to Report Categories.