"Fraction Detection Parameters" Category

The Fraction Detection Parameter category includes different variables that indicate the peak detection setting for the present fraction. This category can be opened only via the Fraction category.


In the Printer Layout, the Fraction Detection Parameter category is available only for report tables.

The Fraction Detection Parameter category includes the following variables:





Detection Channel


Channel for peak detection

Channel Name


Name of the channel used for peak detection.

Peak Start Slope


The slope must exceed the Peak Start Slope value for the peak start to be recognized.

Peak Start Curve


Curve in [Signal]/s^2 that must be exceeded for a shoulder to be recognized after the peak start.

Peak Start True Time


The time must be fulfilled for the different conditions for a peak start to be recognized.

Peak Start Threshold


The signal threshold value must exceed the Peak Start Threshold value for the peak start to be recognized.

Peak Max Slope


The slope value must be below the Peak Max Slope value for the peak maximum to be recognized.

Peak Max True Time


The time must be fulfilled for the different conditions for a peak maximum to be recognized.

Peak End Slope


The slope value must be below the Peak End Slope value for the peak end to be recognized.

Peak End Threshold


The signal threshold value must be below the Peak End Threshold value for the peak end to be recognized.

Peak End Curve


Curve in [Signal]/s^2 that must be exceeded for a shoulder to be recognized after the peak maximum.

Peak End True Time


The time must be fulfilled for the different conditions for a peak end to be recognized.

Threshold No Peak End


The signal threshold value must be below the Threshold No Peak End value for the peak end to be recognized.

Baseline Drift


Start value for the baseline drift. This value is used to correct the signal value.

Baseline Offset


Start value for the baseline offset. This value is used to correct the signal value.

Threshold Do Not Resolve


Threshold value for the slope in [Signal]/s above which peak detection via the PeakEndSlope parameter was disabled.

Deriv. Step


Time for which the signal values were evaluated to determine the signal slope and the curve.


For an overview of the different report variable categories, including links to a list of variables in each category, refer to Report Categories.