Autosampler Control
Sharing an Autosampler (AS or AS50 (USB))
Two timebases can share a single AS or AS50 (USB) when:
The Sequential or Sequential Concentrate mode is selected on the autosampler front panel.
The diverter valve is installed in the autosampler.
The autosampler is configured as a shared device in the Server Configuration program.
The program includes commands that specify when each timebase has exclusive access to the autosampler.
Guidelines for Controlling Exclusive Access to Each Timebase
To ensure that commands for a shared timebase are executed on a particular timebase, issue an AcquireExclusiveAccess command immediately before the first autosampler command or place the command at the beginning of the program.
To ensure sample is directed to the timebase, issue a DiverterValve.Position command immediately after the AcquireExclusiveAccess command.
To ensure that this timebase yields access to the next timebase, issue a ReleaseExclusiveAccess command immediately after the last autosampler command or after the AcqOn command (whichever is later). Thus, a timebase does not have to finish data acquisition before the next timebase can acquire access to the autosampler.
If you want one timebase to control the autosampler for an entire sequence, you may omit the ReleaseExclusiveAccess command from all but the last program in the sequence.
The DX-LAN model of the AS50 does not support the exclusive access feature. If a program created for this autosampler includes AcquireExclusiveAccess or ReleaseExclusiveAccess, the command is ignored. However, both the AS and AS50 (USB) autosamplers can run any program created for the DX-LAN autosampler that includes these commands.
If you use the Program Wizard to create a program, the exclusive access commands are included automatically in the program at the correct times. If you are using the Commands dialog box to directly control the autosampler or to create a program, you must manually enter the exclusive access commands at the appropriate times.
In the following example program, commands required for exclusive access are in bold.
Sampler.AcquireExclusiveAccess |
Sampler_DiverterValve.Position_1 |
Pressure.LowerLimit = |
0 |
Pressure.UpperLimit = |
5000 |
%A.Equate = |
"%A" |
%B.Equate = |
"%B" |
%C.Equate = |
"%C" |
%D.Equate = |
"%D" |
Flush |
Volume = 100 |
Wait |
FlushState |
NeedleHeight = |
2 |
CutSegmentVolume = |
0 |
SyringeSpeed = |
3 |
TrayTemperature = |
10 |
CycleTime = |
0 |
WaitForTemperature = |
False |
Data_Collection_Rate = |
5.0 |
Temperature_Compensation = |
1.7 |
DS3_Temperature = |
35 |
SRS_Current = |
100 |
Wait |
SampleReady |
Flow = |
1.00 |
%B = |
0.0 |
%C = |
0.0 |
%D = |
0.0 |
Curve = |
5 |
0.000 |
Load |
Wait |
CycleTimeState |
Autozero |
Inject |
Wait |
InjectState |
ECD_1.AcqOn |
1.000 |
Sampler_TTL_1.0v |
Sampler.ReleaseExclusiveAccess |
30.000 |
ECD_1.AcqOff |
End |
For an overview of the individual commands for the autosamplers, refer to Dionex AS/AS50 Autosamplers.