Commands and Tips for Third-Party Devices
Agilent 1200 HPLC System: Troubleshooting
Device remains in 'Not Ready' state
The fluorescence detector may remain in the Not Ready state after the detector and the lamp are turned on. In this case, the yellow LED on the detector is on and Chromeleon displays the following message: Initializing excitation monochromator, initializing emission monochromator.
Remedy: Execute the Fluorescence.Reset command to remedy the situation.
System does not reach 'Ready' state
If your system does not reach the Ready state, check the NotReadyCauses property and take appropriate remedial action.
Poor synchronization
Dionex recommends performing blank runs with injection. Specify the position of a vial that contains solvent, and then specify the injection command as follows:
Inject Blank=Inject
As a result, the autosampler is running also thus improving synchronization of the entire 1200 HPLC system.
Batch run aborted
When acquiring long chromatograms with full 3D fields and a high data collection rate (peakwidth <0.005) using the Agilent 1200 DAD SL (G1315C), Chromeleon may abort the sample batch. The following error message is logged to the Audit trail:
[Abort] TimeStamp {3DFIELD} Internal spectra buffer overflow!
Remedy: Increase the buffer capacity to at least 800 spectra. To do so, change the server settings in the Chromeleon Server Configuration:
Double-click the server name (or select Properties on the context menu).
Select the Advanced tab.
Under Buffers, enter an appropriate value in the Spectra edit field. It is recommended to increase the buffer capacity to at least 800.
G1364 fraction collector: Abort error state cannot be terminated
If an Abort error occurs during analysis, the fraction collector may sometimes not be able to quit the Abort state. This error affects the following firmware versions: A.06.32, A.06.33.
Remedy: Terminate the Abort state by powering the fraction collector off and on. To avoid the error in the future, verify which firmware version is installed in the fraction collector and install another firmware version, for example, A.06.10 or A.06.34, if necessary.
G1367C sampler reports configuration error when connected to Chromeleon
When the G1367C autosampler SL is connected to Chromeleon, an error message is displayed reporting that a configuration error has occurred.
A reason for this behavior may be that the autosampler has been connected too early, i.e. before the initialization procedure is completed. In this case, the autosampler is not able to recognize the tray configuration and reports an error.
Remedy: Make sure that the initialization procedure is completed before connecting the autosampler to Chromeleon. You will know that initialization is completed when the yellow status indicator light turns off.
Initialization will only start if the instrument's front door is closed. During initialization the status indicator light remains yellow.
G1315D detector: Sequence is aborted when detector is operated in stand-alone operation
When the detector is used in stand-alone operation with a third-party pump and autosampler, the sequence is aborted after the first sample and a "Wait Controller" message is displayed.
Remedy: The error is caused by a known issue in the Agilent DAD firmware. As a workaround, the following program line should be added at the beginning of your PGM file (you may have to change the name "UV"): UV._Cmd = "CRDY 1"