Program Wizard / PGM Editor:
TriPlus RSH Sampler: Parameters (SPME)

Use this page to set the parameters related to sampling, incubation and injection for the SPME (Solid Phase Microextraction) method.

Desorb port


Select the injector.

Sample vial parameters

Needle speed in vial (mm/s)

Specify the speed, in millimeters per second, of the protective needle into the vial.

Extract time (min)

Specify the extraction time, in minutes, of the fiber into the vial located in the incubation oven.


Progressive extract time (min)

(Only available if the selected Incubation mode is Progressive.) Specify the time in minutes that is progressively added to the extraction time of the fiber into the vial located in the incubation oven.

Sampling vial depth

In order to prevent undesired substances from being drawn into the needle, determine how deep the needle descends into the sample vial. As a result, the needle will only move down into the vial as far as necessary to draw out some of the desired sample.

Sampling depth mode

Specify the penetration depth of the syringe needle into the vial:

Standard – Select this option to set the protective needle penetration into the vial at a predefined depth.

Custom – Select this option to manually control the penetration depth of the protective needle. The parameter Sampling Vial Depth (mm) is enabled.

Sampling vial depth (mm)

(Only available if the selected Sampling depth mode is Custom.) Specify the penetration depth of the needle into the vial in millimeters.


Injector depth (mm)

Specify the depth, in millimeter, of the protective needle into the injector.


The value reflects the total length including the length of the fibre.

Penetration speed (mm/s)

Specify the penetration speed of the fiber into the injector. This speed is set according to the septa and needle characteristics.

Desorb time (min)

Specify the desorption time in minutes of the fiber into the injector.

Analysis time



Analysis time (min)

Specify the full runtime in minutes of a single sample. The analysis time is used for calculation of the multiple sample incubation times when the incubation time is longer than the analysis runtime. The autosampler updates automatically sample by sample with the last runtime.


Incubation mode

Specify how the sample will be conditioned. Select one of the following incubation modes:

Constant – The sample is sequentially conditioned at a programmed temperature with a constant conditioning time.

Progressive – The sample is conditioned at a programmed temperature with a conditioning time that increases for each sample according to a programmed additional time. This mode is useful for developing and refining headspace methods.


Specify the conditioning and shaking parameters. Vial shaking at a specified temperature by means of an agitator (incubation oven) is used to decrease the time necessary for sample equilibrium.

Agitator temperature (°C)

Specify the temperature for the agitator (incubation oven) while the autosampler is not running (stand-by condition). The temperature is thermo-regulated from 40 °C to 150 °C.

Agitator wait for readiness

Select this check box to enable temperature control. The temperature is thermo-regulated from 40 °C to 150 °C. If the check box is cleared, the temperature below 40 °C is not thermo-regulated but the agitator is ready only if its temperature is really below 40 °C.

Incubation time (min)

Specify the incubation time for all samples to be analyzed with the method in use.

Agitator on (s)

Turns the shaker on for the specified time. Vial shaking is used to decrease the time in seconds necessary for the sample equilibrium.

Agitator off (s)

Turns the agitator off for the specified time.

GC Synch Start Mode

Start mode

Specify the parameters to synchronize GC Start. Select one of the following options:

When Needle enters Injector – Sends the start signal to the GC at the beginning of the protective needle penetration into the injector.

Delayed – Sends the start signal to the GC after the fiber is exposed.