Program Wizard/Program Editor:
SP Timed Sample Preparation Options

Select functions for preparing the sample or standard for analysis, and specify the time in the program when each function should be performed.



Add sample preparation functions to this table.


Select a function to be added to the Time/Function/Parameters table. The Function list shows only the functions for the components installed in the particular SP.  

After you select a function, the parameters for that function are displayed. Select the desired parameters and click Add to add the function and parameters to the table.

For  descriptions of the functions and their associated parameters, see Sample Preparation Function Descriptions.


Enter the time in the program at which the SP should perform the selected function.


Adds the function and parameters selected in the Function list to the table. The Time specified for the function determines its order in the list.


Removes the function and parameters selected in the table.


Select a function to be modified, edit its parameters or select a different function, and click Modify. The new function/parameters replace the previous function/parameters.




For information about entering sample preparation functions to be executed before the timed commands, see the SP Sample Preparation Options page.