Tab Dialog Box:

Determine which statistics are recorded on the Trend Plot, and how they are calculated.

Control Lines


All Data:

Select this option to have statistics calculated from all data points.



Data in Viewed Range

Select this option to have statistics recalculated as soon as the currently viewed time axis changes.



Control Chart

Select this option to display a control chart based on a target and/or a first standard deviation (1s) value that you enter (see below). This option is useful when you have previously determined a target and/or a 1s value from an existing set of data.




This option is enabled if Control Chart is selected (see above). Enter the target value to be shown on the chart. If 0 is entered, the target value is calculated from the trend data values and is the mean of the values.




This option is enabled if Control Chart is selected (see above). Enter the 1s value to be shown on the control chart. If 0 is entered, 1s is calculated from the trend data values.


If necessary, select Autoscale on the context menu to view all statistics lines on the trend plot.




Mean or Target

Displays a horizontal line at the Target value. Target is determined by the selected Control Lines option.

  • If All Data or Data in Viewed Range is selected, Target is the mean of either all the data values or of the data values in the viewed range.

  • If Control Chart is selected, Target is the value entered above. The line is labeled Target (All/Viewed/X-Chart:x), where x is the Target value.



1s (Mean or Target +/- 1 Std. Deviation)

Displays two horizontal lines at the 1s level of significance (i.e., where there is a probability of 68.3% that a trend point will fall within the two lines). 1s is calculated based on the selected Control Lines option:

  • If All Data or Data in Viewed Range is selected, 1s is calculated from either all of the trend values or from the trend values in the viewed range.

  • If Control Chart is selected, 1s is the value entered above.

The lines are located at Target +/- 1 Standard Deviation and are labeled 1s(All/Viewed/X-Chart:x), where x is the value of the respective line.



2s (Mean or Target +/- 2 Std. Deviations):

Displays two horizontal lines at the 2s level of significance (i.e., where there is a probability of 95.5% that a trend point will fall within the two lines). 2s is calculated based on the selected Control Lines option:

  • If All Data or Data in Viewed Range is selected, 2s is calculated from either all of the trend values or from the trend values in the viewed range.

  • If Control Chart is selected, 2s is calculated from the 1s value entered above.

The lines are located at Target +/- 2 Standard Deviations and are labeled 2s(All/Viewed/X-Chart:x), where x is the value of the respective line.



3s (Mean or Target +/- 3 Std. Deviations):

Displays two horizontal lines at the 3s level of significance (i.e., where there is a probability of 99.7% that a trend point will fall within the two lines). 3s is calculated and the lines are labeled in the same way the 2s lines are calculated and labeled (as described above).



The font label indicates the font that is currently used for statistics on the trend plot. Click Change… to change the size, font style, and the font.