Dialog Box:
Autogenerate Peak Table
On the Edit menu, select Autogenerate Peak Table to have Chromeleon automatically enter a detected peak from the current sample in the corresponding peak table.
At first, select the type of peak table generation:
If you select Enumerate peaks of current chromatogram, the peaks of the active chromatogram are displayed in the peak table, using a combination of file name and consecutive number.
Enable Use Spectra Library Screening results to have the results identified during spectra library screening entered.
If you have chosen the second type, spectra library screening is performed based on the QNT File parameters. All peaks for which at least one reference spectrum is found are included in the peak table together with the name of the best hit.
The following options are available:
Apply only to peaks with: Select this option to restrict the peak table to peaks with an absolute/relative area/height above a limit of your choice.
Apply only to peaks in current time interval: If you select this check box, only peaks within the time interval of the currently visible part of the chromatogram (for example the zoomed part) will appear in the peak table.
Copy reference spectrum from: Select this option to insert the reference spectrum for each peak. This could be the current peak spectrum (from any chromatogram) or the reference spectrum of the best hit from the spectra library screening. You can only use the reference spectrum from spectra library if you have enabled Use spectra library screening results in the upper part of the active window.
Enable peak tracking using peak match type: Select this option to enable peak tracking for any registered peak. You can choose between Spectrum and Spectrum and time.
Allow multiple best hits or Unique identification: The spectra library screening results in a hit list of library spectra for each peak in the chromatogram. In the case of Unique identification, the hit list will be treated according to the peak tracking, that is, identical hits with a smaller match factor will be eliminated. In the case of Allow multiple best hits, each peak are copied to the peak table with its best hit. If there are identical best hits for several peaks, they will have identical reference spectra in the peak table. To create unique peak names, a number is added as suffix; for example, "-2," "-3" .
Existing entries will be overwritten.
Also, see How to: Integrating Chromatograms and Identifying Peaks Creating a Peak Table.