Linked Objects

Objects are often linked to a file, rather than saved with the file. In Chromeleon, linked objects appear:

In Sequences

You can link a sequence to a Report Definition File (RDF) by specifying a Preferred Report. Select Properties… on the context menu of the sequence. Determine the Preferred Report on the General tab page in the Properties of Sequence… dialog box. The preferred report to which the sequence is linked is used whenever the sequence is opened.

In QNT Files

QNT Files can be linked to the following:


When performing a Backup, you can specify whether linked objects are saved by selecting or clearing the Include linked objects check box. Dionex recommends saving the linked objects. This ensures that data is available in the target laboratory if data is exchanged between laboratories.


The Restore dialog box lists the linked objects under the file to which they are linked. Select the linked objects to be restored: