Flow Rate

The Flow Rate usually indicates the total volume (in [ml/min]) delivered by the chromatography pump. It is the sum of all partial flows (%A+%B+%C+%D=100%). (For more information, refer to %B, %C, %D (Solvent Components).)

Flow rates are usually in the range 0.5 to 10 ml/min. Use micro pumps (0.1 - 0.5 ml/min) or especially equipped pumps (as from 10 ml/min) for flow rates below or above these values.

For gas chromatographs, the amount of mobile gas phase is also called flow rate.


The pressure in the chromatography column is up to 400 bar (40 MPa, 5800 psi). Solvent mixtures, for example, of methanol and water, are subject to volume compression. That is why the volume delivered by High-Pressure Gradient Systems does not correspond to the volume transported over the column. Of course, this does not change the number of the delivered and transported solvent particles.

Also, refer to Flow