Preparing the Printout
Creating Charts
In order to perform the operations described below, verify that the Report Publisher add-on product is licensed.
The Chart Wizard assists you in creating charts:
Enable Layout Mode on the Edit menu.
Select the columns and rows that shall be represented in a chart.
Select Insert > Charts on the context menu. The shape of the mouse pointer changes to a + character.
Hold down the left mouse button down and draw a rectangle in the size required for the chart.
The Wizard guides you through the chart creation process. Select the chart type and style and then enter the layout settings and axis titles.
Click Finish to exit the Wizard and insert the chart.
The new chart is displayed in the previously drawn frame. If required, you can edit the chart later. For example, you can change the width, color, and pattern of lines, areas, or captions, smooth curves, or select a different chart type.
Select a single chart element by (double-) clicking and then double-click the selected element to change it. The Chart Designer is opened. After you have made the changes and click OK to apply the changes to the chart.
You can also change the size and position of the entire chart:
Click inside the chart. Hold down the left mouse button and move the chart to the desired position. Resize the chart by dragging the corresponding size markers.
Depending on the size and position of the chart in the report, parts of the legend may appear to be missing. For a full display of the legend inserted using the Chart wizard, enlarge the chart in height and/or width by dragging the corresponding size markers. Alternatively, you may move the chart to a different position in the report. As a result, all elements of the legend will then be displayed.