Creating and Using Report Tables
Displaying an Audit Trail
You can include the Sample Audit Trail (see Data Management The Sample Audit Trail) as a worksheet in a Report Definition File (RDF). The worksheet always shows the Audit Trail for the currently selected sample.
The Day Time column indicates the time of a command or message.
The Ret.Time column indicates the corresponding retention time.
The Command/Message column shows the command itself, the text of a message, or an event.
To select additional settings, select the Table Properties command on the context menu. The Audit Trail Report Properties dialog box is opened; define the data to be displayed.
In addition, you can select one of the following Display options:
Run only displays only the entries for the sample run (default option).
Preconditions only displays only the conditions before a sample run.
Preconditions and Run displays all entries.
The display filter (Filter Level) defines the type and extent of the Audit Trail entries for a sample run.
Normal: Displays only the most important commands and properties.
Advanced: Displays Normal and Advanced level commands and properties.
Expert: Displays Normal, Advanced, and Expert level commands and properties (for experts only).
Errors and Warnings: Displays error messages and warnings, but no commands.
You can add the contents of the worksheet to other documents, using the Cut and Paste commands. You can print the entire Audit Trail in the Printer Layout.
Using Audit Trail Variables in Other Worksheets
Certain events (such as performing a Trigger or changing the wavelength at a specific time) can be included in any Report worksheet.
Open the corresponding worksheet and select Column Properties on the context menu.
Select Audit Trail from the Categories list.
In the Variables field, select one of the Audit Trail variables. The variables that are available for selection depend on the events listed in the Sample Audit Trail.
Use the Formula field to display events that are not listed (for example, the system pressure that is recorded using a Log command). In this case, the event variable is appended to the name AUDIT; separated by a period (AUDIT.pressure).
Click OK to confirm your input.
Your report now includes an additional column for an Audit Trail variable. Normally, the value for the corresponding peak at the retention time is entered in each line. If there is no value at this time, the value that was recorded last is entered. When forming a gradient, Chromeleon calculates the corresponding values (%A, %B, %C . . .).
If you want to display a specific Audit Trail event for all peaks in a report at a specific time:
Select Column Properties and then select an Audit Trail variable.
Click Parameter.
A dialog box opens, allowing you to enter a retention time. Click OK to confirm the entry. A report column with a fixed retention time is generated. For example, the Wavelength Audit Trail variable displays the wavelength at time t.
You can also search for the next associated entry in the Audit Trail. The starting point of the search is the entered retention time. To find the last entry before this retention time, select backward as the Search Direction. To find the first entry after this retention time, select forward as the Search Direction.