Manual Re-Integration
Inserting or Deleting Peaks
Inserting a Peak
You can later insert a new peak, i.e., a baseline and two peak delimiters, at any free position on the chromatogram and on the leading and trailing edges of a peak. The new peak is added to the peak table in the QNT Editor, also.
If a small peak () appears on the right side of the mouse pointer, you can insert a new peak at this position. If a warning sign (
) appears instead, you cannot insert a new peak.
Select Insert Peak Tool on the context menu to have the mouse pointer indicate only those positions where you can or cannot insert a peak. If the Insert Peak Tool is active, you cannot perform any other actions (edit modes).
Deleting a Peak
To delete a peak, point to the peak.
Select Delete Peak on the context menu to remove the peak's delimiter and its baseline. This also removes the peak from the peak table in the QNT Editor.