Equilibrating the Chromatography System (SmartStartup)
Extracting the Equilibration Conditions
Use the Extract Equilibration Conditions page of the SmartStartup Wizard to determine the source of the equilibration conditions. Select one of the following options:
Select <Choose Program...> to use an existing program.
Select <Manual Input> to use the current device settings.
Select an existing equilibration program from the list (if any are available).
After making your selection, click Next> to continue:
If you selected <Choose Program...>, the Browse dialog box opens. Select a program from the list and click Open. This takes you to the next wizard page.
If you selected one of the other options, clicking Next> takes you directly to the next wizard page.
For an overview of how to equilibrate the system with Chromeleon, refer to Equilibrating the Chromatography System (SmartStartup).