Simulating Chromatograms
Saving and Reloading Virtual Column Settings

After you have selected analytes and a column, you can save the selected settings to a file to be available for later use. The following information is saved and can be reloaded from the saved file:

When you reload the saved file, the settings are restored and the corresponding Resolution Response Surface and Virtual Chromatogram are displayed.

To save settings:

On the File menu, click Save. The .vcol extension is assigned to the saved file.


Virtual Column settings files are saved here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Thermo\Chromeleon\bin\Virtual Column Custom Files

To reload a saved file:

  1. On the File menu, click Open.

  2. Select a .vcol file and click OK.
    The Load Selected File dialog box opens. This dialog box displays the analyte data saved in the selected .vcol file and gives you the opportunity to choose the data from the saved file that you want loaded into the Virtual Column analyte table.

  3. Clear the check box above any column (Peak Area, mg/l, mM, Asymmetry, or Efficiency) that you do not want loaded.

  4. Clear the Void Time check box if you do not want the void time loaded.

  5. Clear the Inj. Volume check box if you do not want the injection volume loaded.


    If you clear a check box in the Load Selected File dialog box, Virtual Column loads the current user interface setting for the item instead of the data from the saved file. If no setting for the item exists (or if the setting is invalid), Virtual Column loads data for the item from the embedded Virtual Column database.

  6. Click OK.