Installing and Controlling Third-Party Devices
Merck Hitachi L4250 UV Detector: Overview


Device Type:

HPLC UV detector

Device Driver:

Hitachi (or Merck): L4250 Detector


What is required?


Timebase Class 3


Special RS-232 cable (for more information, refer to  Merck Hitachi Cable)


  • An A/D converter is required for data acquisition. A UCI Universal Chromatography Interface including the appropriate signal cables may be used.

  • A free RS-232 port is required for control.

Control Panels:

No separate panel available.


Further Information

For information about how to install the detector, refer to  Merck Hitachi L4250 UV Detector: Installation.

For an overview of the different Merck Hitachi instruments that can be controlled by Chromeleon, refer to  Merck Hitachi.