Establishing a Serial Connection between the Server PC and the Instrument
Chromeleon allows you to control different devices, using different interfaces (including USB, TCP/IP, DX-LAN (10BASE-T and BNC), and RS-232). A serial port must be available on the instrument. A serial interface cable is used to connect the serial port on the instrument to the serial port (COM port) on the PC. For an overview of the various interface types, refer to
Connecting Devices to the Chromeleon Server PC
Installation of these instruments may require that you upgrade the server PC by installing additional PC plug-in cards; for example, when the number of serial PC ports is not sufficient. For installation and configuration details for the cards that are available from Dionex, refer to Installing PC Plug-in Cards.
However, you may also use the UCI Universal Chromatography Interface instead. For more information about the UCI, refer to UCI Universal Chromatography Interface: Overview.