Handling Files, Datasources, and the Network
Repairing Datasources

To repair defective datasources, select Datasources on the File menu. The Datasource Manager appears. Select the defective datasource from the list box and click Repair. The datasource is automatically repaired to the extent possible.


You can perform the Repair function only if no other user is currently using the database. Therefore, verify that all other users disconnect from the associated datasource first, either by exiting and stopping all servers accessing the database or by selecting the datasource and Dismount Datasource on the context menu.

The repair function is also available in the ODBC Manager. It is usually not necessary to make changes in the ODBC Manager. If it should be necessary, open the Datasource Manager as described above. Click ODBC Mgr… to open the ODBC dialog box of the Windows Control Panel. For more information about the ODBC Manager, refer to the ODBC online Help.


Only experienced users should perform modifications to the ODBC Manager. Otherwise, it may be necessary to reinstall Chromeleon. In addition, loss of data may result.