Handling Files, Datasources, and the Network
Activating Chromeleon from an External Program: Options

Use command lines (Start > Run or Windows Command Prompt) to activate Chromeleon from an external program. For example, you can print the pages defined in Chromeleon for a specific sample without the need to open the associated dialog box.

The syntax is as follows:

Cm.exe <Command> <Object> <Options>

For basic information about the syntax, the commands and the objects, refer to  Activating Chromeleon from an External Program. The available options are described below.


If the functionality of these command line arguments is not sufficient for your application, the SDK (Software Development Kit) will certainly provide a solution for your application requirements.

/Nologo (in short: /NL)

Use this option to avoid that the Chromeleon welcome screen (splash screen) appears.

/Unattended (in short: /UA) - no user input required.

Use this option to execute commands and settings already entered in Chromeleon: (You do not need to start Chromeleon.)

The option can be used for the /Batchreport command without restrictions. With the /Open command, it can be used only for Backup (CMB) and Worklist (WLE) files.


Use this option to specify the report definition file (RDF) to be used for the Batch Report. This option is valid only for the /Batchreport command.

Example: CM /BR SEQ::CM_local\Project_1\TestSequence /UA /RDF=RDF::CM_local\Reports\Default


If the report definition file does not exist at the specified location, an error message appears.

/Channel=<channel name> (in short:/CHL)

Use this option together with the /Batchreport command to specify the channel for the Batch Report (see the first example below). You can use this option together with the /Open command only if it refers to a sample moniker, that is, if it starts with SMP. In this case, the specified channel is opened for the sample (see the second example).


CM /BR SEQ::CM_local\Project_1\TestSequence /UA /CHL=UV_VIS_2

CM /Open SMP::CM_local\Sequences\TestSequence.SEQ\1 /CHL=UV_VIS_2


/Printer=<printer name> (in short:/PRT)

Use this option to specify the printer to be used for printing a batch. The option is valid only for the /Batchreport command.

Example: CM /BR SEQ::CM_local\Project_1\TestSequence /UA /PRT="HP Deskjet 895Cxi"


If the specified printer is not installed, an error message appears.

/Userid=<User ID> (in short:/UID) /Passwd=<User Password> (in short:/PWD)

Use this option to avoid that the logon dialog is displayed if you have enabled user management using the Security Activation Tool (CmSecure program).

Example: CM /UID=LABOP1 /PWD="my passwd"


If the specified user is not a member of the user database or if the password is incorrect (keep in mind that the password is case sensitive), an error message appears.

If you specify only the /Userid option, the logon dialog is opened providing a predefined input field. If you specify only the /Passwd option, the ID of the currently logged on Windows user is used for the missing /Userid option.


Entering the password in the command line is contrary to the common safety regulations. Therefore, use this option only in exceptions.


/TB=<timebase name>

/SRV=<server name>


Use these options to define the timebase for which the /Panels command opens a default panel tabset. In addition to the name of the timebase, specify the server for the timebase and the network protocol to be used. If no server is specified, Chromeleon checks the last connection from the Chromeleon client to a server and uses this connection, if available. The protocol option is only useful when used together with the server name option. If no protocol is specified, Chromeleon uses TCP/IP.

Possible protocols:

ncalrpc: local RPC protocol

ncacn_ip_tcp: TCP/IP

ncacn_np: Windows Named Pipes

ncan_spx: IPX/SPX


Example: CM /Panels /TB="Clabor10_U3000" /SRV="Clabor10" /PROT="ncalrpc"